The Beginner's Guide To Home Organization
Too many clothes. Too many toys. Too much of everything! You are tired of all the clutter and ready to organize your home, but don’t have a clue where to start right?
I get it because I’ve been there.
I know first-hand how hard it is to run a household, manage the lives of many, and be the mom you want to be. So often we catch ourselves trying to get one more thing done before we can sit and color the picture or read the story with our kids.
I caught myself in the vortex of running around in circles trying to keep our house in a way that made me feel good, while I was missing out on the most important moments - the moments that mean the most to my kids and will shape who they become. It became apparent to me that there had to be a better way of keeping our house in a manner that didn’t resemble a burglary scene, but still having the time and energy to get down on the floor to play with my kids when they needed me the most.
That’s exactly why I created Life Made Simple- to help others take the overwhelm out of home organization and get back to life!
Before we go any further, I want to be clear that I am not here to tell you how to make your home perfect. I let that go out the window a looooong time ago. What I am here to help you do is to feel less overwhelmed and more confident when you look around your home and things seem utterly chaotic, hot mess, flat out disaster zone.
My home is not perfect (note - 2 kids under 10 years old), but I no longer feel like my head might explode when I look around after a long day of play with LEGOS, LOL dolls, paint, play-doh. You know what I am talking about.
But what is changed is we have a system and we know what to do with it when it comes time to restore order.
What is the best way to organize your home?
It just sounds like a huge task doesn’t it?
It truly doesn’t have to be. You can approach it with guided goals. I’ve broken it down into three simple steps that I KNOW you can tackle and get done. Something about having a list and steps makes everything seem easier, doesn’t it? Anyone else a list maker/list checker-offer?
We are all unique and each of our homes are unique, but what I have found, in my own home and in hundreds of my client homes, is that the steps to approach this are quite similar.
Simplify by cleaning out!
The process of decluttering, minimizing, purging, etc. For some, this is the most fun part, and for some, it’s the hardest. No matter which side of the fence you fall on, having some general guidelines might help. That’s why I’ve broken it down for you in the blogs below.
3) How to Overcome Barriers When Simplifying Part:3
Systems for home organization
You’ve done the first part of whittling your things down to only what you need, so now it’s time to organize what you have. Creating systems will help you see everything more efficiently and therefore actually use your items!
How do you keep it organized?
The last step gets its own section because this is where the “saving your sanity” part comes in. You have to maintain the hard work you did in steps one and two.
You have probably seen that creating a clear, calm environment is a journey. It’s not a one-and-done event you accomplish in a day. So the sustaining process might take a little practice and time, but you can do it!
I’ll even kick you off with 3 steps to sustain your home here.
If you don’t want to try to do all this on your own, there’s also the option to try organizational services!
What are organizational services?
Home organization services are when your bestie Stephanie (that’s me, not the one from high school) comes to your home virtually and helps you tackle the process. A little hand-holding makes everything easier and I’m here for you!
Over the years, I have found that what people really need when they reach out to me are:
Something or someone to help them bust through the overwhelm they are feeling (ie. give them hope)
New ideas to organize their space because it is really hard to see your space from a different perspective when you live in it day after day
A clear plan to approach the space- step by step how-to (again, see #1 above)
Organizational Services can look three different ways:
Virtual 1-on-1
With this service you will receive:
Initial 45 minute video call to discuss any space in your home
A recorded session for you to review as often as needed
A customized plan and supporting materials to support you along the way
Follow up/accountability video available
This is a great option for someone who is motivated to organize their space but needs someone to help them see the trees through the forest- give them a clear plan that they can take and implement. This is a great option to get some creative and unique ideas specific to YOUR space.
Online Courses
A great option for those who work well independently, but still want a roadmap to success. Not to mention it’s budget-friendly! I have a few different options:
Kitchen and Pantry
Papers Simplified
3. The Home Collection (Papers, Kitchen, Pantry, Closets, Entryway, Playspace)
Done For You In-Home Services
When you are ready to take things to the next level and have a magical fairy come in and take care of all of your organization, this is for you! In our 1:1 In-Home services we:
Create an overall organization plan
Source, shop for, and install organization bins and supplies
Implement overall organization systems down to the very last detail
Remove and donate any unwanted items
Leave you with a completely finished and ready to use space!
If you are ready to begin your home organization journey, just schedule your complimentary consult today! I’ll help answer questions and point you to the option that works best for you and your family.